Days from US


The Awareness of Personal Sustainability③

Third, “Decommodification” is the greatest one to describe the character of this event. In general, it is not unusual that the organization will do fundraising broadly not narrowly. But they banned funding to be widely given through any style of funding and  advertisement. I personally must deepen this point of view because of as simple question, why? Especially, post event time might be also hard time to finalize this event like getting rid of garbage around the venue.

“Radical Self-Reliance” seems the same to the rule with the one taken by the person supporting the hazardous area from another place during post natural hazard. Of course, this context is totally different but only one thing I had gotten as the direction before going into Fukushima, which was “Self-Reliance” by the president of my last office. Whatever the resources in there is, they must be for the victims not for supporters. I needed to prepare the foods and goods to live for a while in Fukushima with no aid from the local community. Actually, this rule makes you have better survival skills even if you would be in a severe environment.

“Communal Effort” also would be the interesting idea that is to make up the vulnerability of the temporal community for being an attractive Burning Man. The organization needs a tremendous effort to keep the quality of the communities inside Black Rock City. This rule supports the energy the audience has as self-purification ability in the entire event. The capacity may allocate the power to resolve the problem under the surface. Sometimes, we wonder why we suffer our business because of a lack of human resources. Communal Effort makes the people available multitasking works for seven days. Because this is an event in a short time, they can play a role for some topics.

Next one is the core consideration of this series: how those rules in Burning Man work in the community and influence on an individual behavior. Again, my focus must be the interconnection between the rules given by organization and the behavior of the audience. Actually, while I am reading “The Palgrave Handbook of Sustainability”, the title of chapter that is “Designing Personal Sustainability into Organizational Culture” is sharing personal character prior to the sense of the organization. But in general, this perception must be opposite. 




