Days from US


Entries from 2020-01-01 to 1 year

Looking Back This Fall with Artless Feeling①

First of all, I'd like to say thanks for all the people, who might be involved my fall 2020. They are not only in campus, but also in social media, INTO teachers, friends, and family members they assuaged a typical asperity that I might ha…

Political Belief of Pro-Life or Pro-Choice

Introduction Historical moment came up in this January. In Anti-abortion rally, Donald Trump is the first president to address in person on this event. I personally looked at this news as issue out of political negotiation because of Donal…

Iceberg Analysis for Plastic Consumption Issue

Plastic production is increasing over time. Package, bag, and PET bottle are all identified ones as better material selection in the past. Sometimes here was environmental reason to adopt in their advertisement. But majority of cases were …

死を凌駕する概念② 〜北京を訪れて以降、度々訪れる感覚


死を凌駕する概念① 〜北京を訪れて以降、度々訪れる感覚

今年1月、僕が北京に行ったのは一部の人が知っているかと思う。 昨年の12月に日本に帰国し、毎晩友人との邂逅を愉しむ日々の合間には、中国に関して事前知識を入れておこうと雑多に読み物をしていたのだ。雑多という表現が相応しく、そもそもあまり「決めな…

Planetary Boundaries - Case of Energy

Invention of steam engine in 1776 would be great contributor of economic progress. Fossil fuels drives the progress of industries, it brought them into energetic and efficient. We know fossil fuels should be replaced to keep our environmen…

Planetary Boundaries - Introduction

Thomas Robert Malthus was English political economist whom An Essay on the Principle of Population had been written by. This book advocates warning of negative impact on the quality of human life due to surging and overwhelming population …

The Awareness of Personal Sustainability⑤

The ten rules of Burning Man, which is one of the greatest art events in the world, give the positive impact to drive sharing their vision of how Burning Man should be, while other founders are calculating how beneficial their events are. …

The Awareness of Personal Sustainability⑤

The ten rules of Burning Man, which is one of the greatest art events in the world, give the positive impact to drive sharing their vision of how Burning Man should be, while other founders are calculating how beneficial their events are. …

The Awareness of Personal Sustainability④

To sum up, over the entities of social, economic, political context, sustainability is one of approaches to diminish the negative impact of limited sources and controlling the energy that is not protected by the ways such as renewable sour…

The Awareness of Personal Sustainability③

Third, “Decommodification” is the greatest one to describe the character of this event. In general, it is not unusual that the organization will do fundraising broadly not narrowly. But they banned funding to be widely given through any st…

The Awareness of Personal Sustainability②

I personally hope as the disciplines adopted in Burning Man bring the core competence of this event comparing with other art festivals. These rules are really looking well established to support the invulnerabilities of this event and also…

The Awareness of Personal Sustainability①

A sense of personal sustainability might unconsciously support the better quality of the collective action, the events, and the society to live on the limited resources. In short, personal development might be a partial reason which the or…

How to Design Personal Minimalism Into Collective Action and the Culture of Local Community②

In general, it is meant for personal minimalism to lead the players into a rather organized lifestyle in which the stuff and the materials have been under control in order to limit the player's options. There are only selected goods in you…

How to Design Personal Minimalism Into Collective Action and the Culture of Local Community①

Personal minimalism might not be only the development used for shaping well of the lifestyle, but also positive influence in order to bring the countermeasure of global warming into the next level. It is usually used in the context of the …


プランを2日ぐらいで作りました。 目標:アメリカ留学 期間:1年半後 上記期間での総勉強時間:3,500時間 そのほか:日本で3ヶ月、セブ留学で6ヶ月。合計9ヶ月後にTOEFLで80点。ネットで調べた感じでは計算上そうなってる、筈。。。 今思えば会社を辞めて最…


トランプ大統領は国家情報長官を2月21日に更迭。 背景に、国家情報局が先週下院諜報活動常任特別委員会に 「ロシアが2016年以来、再び米国大統領選挙に介入している」 と報告。内容はロシアがトランプ大統領の再選を望んでいるというもの。 下院諜報…

NPR up first 02/20/2020 ブルームバーグ前市長初参戦


NPR up first 02/19/2020 米国で恩赦 中に上院議員指名権限を乱用した元知事の名前も

前イリノイ州知事が恩赦による釈放。 前イリノイ州知事=ロッド・ブラゴジェビッチ氏。2008年にオバマ氏大統領就任後空席となったイリノイ州上院議員の指名権限を乱用し、違法に金銭を得ようとした罪で逮捕。盗聴した音源が決定的な証拠となったこの捜査…

Sustainable Development Goal in China vol.1

Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) is one of projects of UN since 2016 toward 2030. This action is affirmative one also to address several kind of issues in developing countries like poverty, food security, and gender discrimination so on.…

Outline of paper "Personal Minimalism"

One of papers I'm gonna submit in the end of this semester is about "Personal Minimalism Theory". Actually, we might take advantage of those kind of articles on the web in order to minimize our life or time and get rid of stuffs that looks…

NPR up first 02/11/2020 コロナウイルス、新局面

民主党予備選で今晩、ニューハンプシャー州での投票が始まる。トランプ大統領は昨日同じ場所で演説。注目度は民主党の予備選に遠く及ばず、やはりここではバーニー・サンダースの強さが依然際立つ。しかしながら現地からはこんな声も出る 「多くの人が同じよ…

NPR up first 02/10〜単日死亡者数97名、ウイルス確認以来最大




NPR up first〜大統領による報復人事、民主党大会


NPR up first 02/03/2020〜今夜アイオワ、民主党大会


NPR up first 02/01/2020〜米国緊急事態を宣言


NPR up first 01/30/2020 英5GはHUAWEI製採用

大統領弾劾関連。水曜日から上院議員と下院及びホワイトハウス弁護団の間で質疑応答が行われる。 大統領弾劾に懐疑的なものの、情報の透明性に対しては潔癖であるべきとの姿勢を見せる共和党上院議員からは 「いかようにして政治的要因と大統領候補者個人と…

NPR up first 01/29/2020〜質の低い行政批判は民主主義の機能不全を招く

上院はジョン・ボルトン氏(トランプ大統領の元閣僚)の証人招致の可否に関する投票を金曜日に控え、ホワイトハウス弁護団は三日間に渡る冒頭陳述を28日火曜日に終えた。証人招致によりどれほど上院での弾劾調査が長期化するのかが一つの焦点。 昨日の陳述…

NPR up first 01/28/2020〜中東和平計画の発表
