Days from US


The Awareness of Personal Sustainability③

Third, “Decommodification” is the greatest one to describe the character of this event. In general, it is not unusual that the organization will do fundraising broadly not narrowly. But they banned funding to be widely given through any style of funding and  advertisement. I personally must deepen this point of view because of as simple question, why? Especially, post event time might be also hard time to finalize this event like getting rid of garbage around the venue.

“Radical Self-Reliance” seems the same to the rule with the one taken by the person supporting the hazardous area from another place during post natural hazard. Of course, this context is totally different but only one thing I had gotten as the direction before going into Fukushima, which was “Self-Reliance” by the president of my last office. Whatever the resources in there is, they must be for the victims not for supporters. I needed to prepare the foods and goods to live for a while in Fukushima with no aid from the local community. Actually, this rule makes you have better survival skills even if you would be in a severe environment.

“Communal Effort” also would be the interesting idea that is to make up the vulnerability of the temporal community for being an attractive Burning Man. The organization needs a tremendous effort to keep the quality of the communities inside Black Rock City. This rule supports the energy the audience has as self-purification ability in the entire event. The capacity may allocate the power to resolve the problem under the surface. Sometimes, we wonder why we suffer our business because of a lack of human resources. Communal Effort makes the people available multitasking works for seven days. Because this is an event in a short time, they can play a role for some topics.

Next one is the core consideration of this series: how those rules in Burning Man work in the community and influence on an individual behavior. Again, my focus must be the interconnection between the rules given by organization and the behavior of the audience. Actually, while I am reading “The Palgrave Handbook of Sustainability”, the title of chapter that is “Designing Personal Sustainability into Organizational Culture” is sharing personal character prior to the sense of the organization. But in general, this perception must be opposite. 






The Awareness of Personal Sustainability②

I personally hope as the disciplines adopted in Burning Man bring the core competence of this event comparing with other art festivals. These rules are really looking well established to support the invulnerabilities of this event and also, they have the common sense with the spirits of personal sustainability that contributes to prevent global warming. Actually, we might guess the participant can have the knowledge of how to reduce the electricity, water, and gas use through their lives if there are only limited resources. However, these events never deliver the news of some serious accident that makes someone die throughout the history of Burning Man. The way to manage this event must be the practical ideas for sustainable development and the individuals that aim the sustainable actions.

First, they encourage “Radical Inclusion” that eliminates any boundaries of every single event radically and might welcome one another. It works as the condition making the Burning Man more vital. Actually, while no prerequisites, the people feel easier to be interactive, and this is a little bit different from the one of reality. “Radical Inclusion” is the door-opening rule of Burning Man and they produce the freedom of the artists and the audience.

To expect receiving something because of your effort for others might be causal one of the problems in social media. Second one is to cope with these issues we have. “Gifting” would be the second principle of the Burning Man. Every resident in this area is giving their items or service without receiving something as consideration.

I personally begin to think that this event looks like the trial to establish complete society by decent persons. According to the outcome that Burning Man could be an extraordinary event in the world, these sorts of ideal communities can work at least seven days as safely, and there are some ideas that we can incorporate into our daily life.

→Continue to ③






The Awareness of Personal Sustainability①

A sense of personal sustainability might unconsciously support the better quality of the collective action, the events, and the society to live on the limited resources. In short, personal development might be a partial reason which the organization would be better than before. Of course, an organization also has to produce the great policy to unite and make the people go forward efficiently. Both are the things to success mutually. Every event like a rock festival ordinarily mandates some rules to give a great experience for all the participants. The principles for the cleanliness and the waste management of these events on the outside gradually have been improved like the Fuji Rock Festival in Japan. First appearance of FRF was in the 1990's, this event took place during heavy rain, that made the audience lose the energy to respond. To sum up, some magazines that usually are about musician’s interviews and album reviews published later how terrible the audience area because the ground would be overflowed by the garbage. But the cleanliness of FRF has been much better through consecutive efforts of organization and audience. Nowadays, this event doesn’t take care only keeping clean, but also advocates environmental justice to act against the global warming. Not only managing the event, they have a time to consider about the future.

Thus, we can say the awareness of sustainable perspective might be gained through the efforts of hosts and audience. However, there are always extreme components such as the individuals and the organization. This article observes how much interconnection both organization and individual have, through picking up the rules of an event called “Burning Man”. This is the art festival that has taken place in the northwest of the United States since 1986 even though this event has the rule to eliminate any commercial aspects from the industry. What is the reason we can have seen this event over thirty years without any advertisement? Just over 70,000 people gather in the desert, and live a week without no water, electricity, and gas as an infrastructure. These are usually the conditions that bring the people a huge burden. However, this event could have been one of the best events for expression of their primitive art. 




How to Design Personal Minimalism Into Collective Action and the Culture of Local Community②

In general, it is meant for personal minimalism to lead the players into a rather organized lifestyle in which the stuff and the materials have been under control in order to limit the player's options. There are only selected goods in your room, this is the general minimalism. Limited option makes the decision making simple, so this is the demand that the technologies around us are moving quicker and enforcing us to manipulate the newer software or hardware. So, how should we keep our time stable nonetheless here might be chronically some manuals we must face and make our life move slowly? To directly answer this question, we must train our daily life to make use of our vacant time. There are some ways to deal with it, abbreviation, reduction, and training the process. These spirits are common with the core idea of Japanese tea ceremony. Even here it is necessary to deliver the theme of this party, the tea master never mentions aloud it instead of showing the flower arrangement to make the customer know the theme, without telling. This manner contributes to abbreviating saying something and this is a virtue to reduce the process but convey an implication. Some approaches are available to abbreviate our process in order to reduce the time.

So, the repeating of daily routines might be also the one for living with the minimum time. Finally, we're supposed to make the most of the time in your life. This vacant time is the resource to further the value of our life. Re-invest these vacant time into education or self-enlightenment while others use this for shopping.




How to Design Personal Minimalism Into Collective Action and the Culture of Local Community①

Personal minimalism might not be only the development used for shaping well of the lifestyle, but also positive influence in order to bring the countermeasure of global warming into the next level. It is usually used in the context of the action against materialism that might be the trap all developed countries pass through.

"Your individual life is going to be better than before, by controlling your living expenses."

Ah yeah, actually it does work as I only support a part of this idea. "Controlling" is the key concept thus the minimalists should be aware of the stuff they have that must be visualized to control. Furthermore, the sense of control over any sources to live in gains the quality of sustainability in our life, organization, and society.

But how could we know what makes us well qualified for urban life? This is the point of view I'm going to be clear through my life in New York. Firstly, I take a step to clear my Personal Minimalism Theory. Secondly, we will conduct research whether my theory will work as a way to break through global warming or not. Finally, I will conclude this series of literature. Actually, I need to finish this work by next spring to submit in order to try the next stage. Anyway, I like you to feel free to mention your advice for my new journey.























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